Mastering Efficiency in Aesthetic Dentistry

I am so excited to begin teaching my latest course,

Mastering Efficiency in Aesthetic Dentistry

on effective Laboratory roles and interactions.   

To become successful in the field of aesthetic dentistry and rehabilitation, it's important to learn about new technologies and practices that optimize your own skills and help the clinician and the laboratory work together in perfect harmony to create the best result for a patient. In my multi-part educational series you will learn keen diagnosis, sequencing and simple closing skills for the most complex of cases. 

The 8 part course will begin on Sept 27th, 2013 at Jason J Kim Oral Design NY:

418 East 71st Street New York, NY 10021. Only a few spaces left! 

Classes Include:

1) Dental Photography:

Learn about modern digital photography and how it has become a necessary tool in the field of aesthetic dentistry. Get my best equipment recommendations and a how to tutorial for the perfect photos. 

2) Marketing Aesthetic Dentistry:

Like any aesthetic changes, the patient wants to know they’ll love the changes they’ll be receiving to their appearance. Learn about PreNew Preview - a low cost, quick way for patients to literally ‘test drive’ their new smile (Read more about it HERE).

3) Semi-Adjustable Articulator:

This is crucial for setting accurate tooth position and vertical dimension control. Learn principles of occlusal measurements and how to properly take them.

4) Aesthetic Evaluation And Functional Diagnosis:

Learn how to identify, create and protect the perfect smile. How to create your “vision” for that beautiful smile within the field and build upon your repertoire, by learning the keys to facial and dental analysis. In Part 2 of this course learn how to properly communicate your vision with your laboratory partner with diagnostic wax ups and composite mock ups. Working in harmony together with the laboratory is vital to creating the most pleasing result. 

5) Custom Tooth Preparation:

Learn how to use Restorative Space Management methods on all types of cases and how to create minimal prep design for each case. In Part 2 of this course you will learn how to use all these tools with an actual aesthetic case.

6) Easy Sequencing Steps For Full Mouth Rehabilitation:

This course provides the tricks and knowledge that only someone who has worked in the field for a length amount of time can provide. Learn secrets to the art and ways to optimize successful delivery of cases. Also learn how to create more predictable results with each case and become more efficient in those successful cases with minimal chair time.

To register e-mail Nuree Kwon at:

For more information on cost, CDT credits and course dates download the brochure HERE