New Lectures & Forums for 2014

I am so excited to announce a list of lectures I will be attending in the upcoming months. I love to teach as much as I love to work on my own oral design projects. Seeing the enthusiasm and talent out there invigorates me and the work that I currently am doing.

Always busy at the Jason J. Kim Dental Aesthetic Laboratory

Always busy at the Jason J. Kim Dental Aesthetic Laboratory

One of the first lectures I will be attending is later this month! On January 24, 2014, my colleague Dr Michael Apa & I are hosting a Hands-On Course on Direct Aesthetic Provisional Application.

The communication between ceramist and dentist is the easiest link to aesthetic failures and success. In order to achieve the best possible result, a clear vision between both person’s is necessary. Traditionally, diagnostic wax-ups and detailed lab scripts have been utilized, which we have found lacks aesthetic accuracy. In this course, we will go over alternative methods of communication to ensure success. Working off of facial landmarks rather than landmarks of just the smile help the practitioner and ceramist be more conservative and create smiles that truly “disappear” when placed into the mouth. We will talk about how to utilize provisionals as our form of communication and how to create them chairside. Discussions of addition veneers and communicated vertical dimension will also be touched upon. Learning objectives: - Facial landmarks dictating tooth position - Create provisionals chairside to accurately communicate aesthetic outcome - Treatment planning for addition veneers - Alternative methods for communicating and verifying vertical dimension.

I love teaching the next wave of smile artists, as you can see from one of my workshops at the Lab last year

I love teaching the next wave of smile artists, as you can see from one of my workshops at the Lab last year

This forum is being done for The New York Dental Forum, of which Jason J Kim Dental Aesthetics is one of the 2014 sponsors.

What I really love about the NYDF, is their continued efforts to bring the oral design community together, to learn from each other and get better, always striving for excellence.



The forum is being held at The Garden City Hotel in NY. 45 7th St, Garden City, NY 11530

The exact date and time is Friday January 24, 2014 9-5pm

I will be announcing my other upcoming events soon so stay tuned!

You can learn more about my colleague Dr Michael Apa just by reading about both of us in W Magazine HERE and checking out his facebook page HERE.

Learn more about the New York Dental Forum Here.

And check out their complete 2014 calendar of events Here.