Custom Tooth Preparation (Part 1)

Custom Tooth Preparation

On Friday Nov 22nd, I'll be teaching part 5 of my 8 part course. To register e-mail Nuree Kwon at:

I'm looking forward to embarking on the part of the course,"Mastering Efficiency in Aesthetic Dentistry" that focuses on Custom Tooth Preparation. Here we will learn how to use Restorative Space Management methods on all types of cases and how to create minimal prep design for each case.

The second half of this course there will be extensive lectures and demonstrations on how to use all these tools with an actual aesthetic case. Things have been moving along quickly in these lab courses!

Take a look at this great photo from our last installment on Aesthetic Evaluation and Functional Diagnosis. You can see me demonstrating with a student how to use diagnostic wax ups to display your vision for the perfect smile to a laboratory partner.



